Financial Sector

Climate Consulting for Return Maximisation and Risk Mitigation

Climate risks and exposures impact asset types across the financial sector. Gaea Consulting cover extreme events which are becoming more frequent through to reducing exposure and increasing returns on daily climate variances through climatic conditions

Quantitative LGM AI

Ensure Climate Resilient Investment Portfolios

The frequency and geographic scale of more intense climatic impacts bought about in 2023 have served to draw attention to the effects of climate change on assets and investments from farming, supply chain to infrastructure, utilities. Gaea consulting helps financial institutions and investors accurately foresee future climatic impacts specific to a business operation or a potential investment on a near term gradual bases to a decadal trend, ensuring that investors Due Diligence is climate-aware, making investment portfolios Climate-resilient.

Portfolio Risk Management

Consulting for Maximum Returns and Minimum Risks

The variance of Climate Change directly impacts behaviour need of market places. Gaea’s proprietary Large Geotemporal Model AI ensures that this variation is accurately foreseen in the assets you have invested in across multiple sectors, allowing profits to be maximised and loses to be reduced to maximise your shareholder value and dividends.

Find out how Climate Change could impact your future, today.

Our team of experts are ready to help you navigate the changing climate with LGM AI driven business intelligence, insights and reports.

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